A reference in the region!
When it comes time to dig an artesian well in the Vallée-de-la-Gatineau, a name is needed, that of Dufresne-Laniel. The company is truly synonymous with artesian wells, having dug about 80% * of all wells in the region over the last 60 years.
All you have to do is open the tap!
Hugo Morin owner, is water well contractor for 20 years, geodesy technologist (DEC), professional tehnologist, member of the Ordre des technologues professionnels du Québec, certify specialist in domestic drinkable water (SCEPD) for the Canadian water quality association CWQA.
He has a superviser certificate for walertight flange well installation, recognized by the The Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment, and Fight Against Climate Change.
Also a member of the Conseil d’administration du regroupement pour la protection de l’eau de la Vallée de la Gatineau RPEVG, and the Chambre de commerce de la Vallée de la Gatineau.